We fight for small town America by providing education, empowerment, and advocacy to rural communities that have made the decision not to dry up and blow away.


Core Values



Every small town is our hometown


We keep our promises


We leave each town better than we found it


We support your goals (we do not force our agenda)


No small town is the same

We Strengthen Rural Communities



We provide communities with the tools and confidence they need to achieve their vision.


We provide training, knowledge and advice to make sense of land use planning.


We partner with local governments to champion a better brighter future.


JonATHAN’s Five Rules

Bobbi’s younger brother Jonathan had five rules he lived by. After Jonathan’s passing in August of 2009, Bobbi has used the same rules as guiding principles in her own life and business. They are the foundation for Five Rule Rural Planning.

  1. Life is cumulative.

  2. You gotta own it.

  3. Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall.

  4. Never think of wealth in terms of currency.

  5. Loose lips sink ships.

  6. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.